
Welcome to TLC tutorial video series

New to practice or looking to brush up on your technique? We have created this video tutorial series which breaks down some of the most commonly taught and foundational practices within our Online Studio Classes. Once you have the hang of these practices you will be able to apply them as you move through the various classes we have to offer.

Choose a practice

Beginner’s Breath

A great place to start for anyone new to pranayama. Sian explains in more detail what we are doing in a breathwork practice and guides you through the 3-part breath, allowing you to have the full, deep breath that you need.

Ujjayi Pranayama

The victorious breath. A key breath that should be used during all asana practise, it is also very powerful as a practice on it's own. This breath is also known as the psychic breath as it can lead to very subtle states of mind.

Agni Saura Dhauti

A heating and detoxifying breath to connect you to your navel centre. This practice will stimulate your digestion and is great for first thing in the morning.


Nadi Shodhana

The alternative nostril breath. This practice works to cleanse and purify the nadis and bring a sense of balance to the body & mind.

Bhastrika Pranayama

The Bellows Breath. This practice is strong and intense, where the whole body acts as the bellows. Drawing in vast amounts of prana can lead to states of transcendence.

Sama Vrtti Pranayama

Sama Vrtti or equal part breath works to bring a sense of balance to the body. This practice helps to develop a connection to all parts of the breath and prepares students to build up the breath retention.


Uddhiyana Bhanda

This is a powerful breath exercise that isn't often taught in classes. This tutorial gives you step by step instruction on how to practice this strong upward flying lock. An excellent practice to create fire, confidence and lift you out of flat moods and depression.

Kapala Bhati Pranayama

Kapala Bhati is one of the key pranayama practices which we build on in a lot of our Online Classes. This breath practice helps to build heat & vitality and detoxifies the body.

Box Breath Tutorial 5 min

Box Breath is a great beginners practice as it brings the practitioner into deeper connection with all 4 aspects of the breath. In Sanskrit it’s known as Samavrtti Pranayama, the breath of equal parts and is used to create equanimity and balance energetically.


Box Breath Tutorial 10 min

Box Breath is a great beginners practice as it brings the practitioner into deeper connection with all 4 aspects of the breath. In Sanskrit it’s known as Samavrtti Pranayama, the breath of equal parts and is used to create equanimity and balance energetically.