Tibetan Five Rites

Flow with Sian
15 min ·  strong - energise - ground


The Tibetan Five Rites are an ancient yoga practice, that consists of a series of dynamic and repetitive movements used to strengthen the physical body and power up the nervous system. As we move through this practice we allow our bodies to absorb larger amounts of prana and awaken through the energy channels of the body.

This sequence is traditionally known as the “Fountain of Youth” and has been used for thousands of years to keep the body youthful and vital! In 1985, the rites were first introduced to Western culture in the book “Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth” by Peter Kelder. If you are wanting more information on this practice, we highly recommend googling it online as it describes the program as “youthing,” and each of the exercises are explained in detail within this book.


What you’ll need

Blocks (optional)

We'll be working with

Strengthening movement
Dynamic moment


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