Swadhistana Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

The second Chakra, Swadhisthana relates to our ability to move and flow with the current of life and accept change. To drop into Swadhisthana is to feel sensations of pleasure and all sensation which arises in the body. Swadhisthana means ‘the home of ones sweetness.’

This chakra is connected to the element of water, all that is flowing and fluid. This highly creative centre is one which is yin in nature, feminine and sensual.


How this program works

We recommend that every day you commit to:

  • The daily practice for each chakra

  • Complete the suggested practices

  • Daily chakra meditation

  • Take your time to complete the journaling prompts

Each chakra opens it’s own state of consciousness. It’s not just about yoga, it’s an experience and can be embodied in all aspects of life. Try some of the suggested other practices you can do to cleanse this chakra.

Additional Practices & Activities you can try for this Chakra

  • Creating something: cooking, painting, gardening - get creative!

  • Lovemaking.

  • Create self care pampering routine and run yourself a bath with essential oils.

  • Dancing! Move your hips to your favourite song.

Swadistana Practice

Flow with Sian - 30 mins


Daily Chakra Meditation

Meditation with Sian -30 mins

Here we have included a 30minute Chakra Balancing Meditation lead by Sian which you can use over the course of the next 14 days - as many times as you like. It is one of our faves here at TLC!


As we connect to the Sacral Chakra we also clear, release and awaken our sacred sensual energy. In this class we work with specific breath and movement practices to awaken and clear Swadhistana Chakra. This space holds our sensual and sexual energy, it houses our emotion and is the space of relationships and community connection. We work with feminine movement and breath to create flow and ease in ourselves.

Take the time after practice to journal and reflect on your experience. Today we invite you to drop into pleasure, to find sweetness and sensuality in the body. Take the time to stop and smell the roses, enjoying the simple pleasures of life.


What you’ll need


Journaling Opportunities

We encourage you through this week to become receptive and open to your own personal experience. Feel into the felt experience of each chakra and allow space for what comes up in the body and the mind. These journalling prompts are here to help you gain clarity and connect in intuitively.

  1. How do you find pleasure in your day? What can you do to allow more sweetness in your day to day life?

  2. What has been your predominant emotion this week? What has made you feel this way?

  3. Finish this sentence: "I feel my sexiest when… “

We'll be working with

Flowing Vinyasa
Shake & Release
Warrior Breaths
Kundalini Serpa
Jing Tantric Breath


Other Sacral Chakra Practices

Over the course of your day, we invite you to take the time to also weave another practice into your day if you have the time. This will again strengthen your embodiment of each chakra and create further harmony and cleansing.