Manipura Chakra

The Navel Chakra

The third Chakra, Manipura is the fire centre within the body. Also known as the solar plexus, there is a warmth and a lightness to a person who is balanced in Manipura. Located at the navel centre, this chakra is related to the element of fire. This fire at the navel is one which burns through our limiting thoughts and behaviours allow us to transmuted and transform.


How this program works

We recommend that every day you commit to:

  • The daily practice for each chakra

  • Complete the suggested practices

  • Daily chakra meditation

  • Take your time to complete the journaling prompts

Each chakra opens it’s own state of consciousness. It’s not just about yoga, it’s an experience and can be embodied in all aspects of life. Try some of the suggested other practices you can do to cleanse this chakra.

Additional Practices & Activities you can try for this Chakra

  • Cook a homemade meal: something that will be easy on the stomach for digestion such as Kitchari.

  • Burn some essential oils or massage onto the skin. Something heating like sandalwood, ginger or cinnamon.

  • Affirmation:

  • I forgive myself for past mistakes, and I learn from them.

  • The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations.

  • I have the courage to create positive change in my life.

Manipura Practice

Flow with Sophie - 30 mins


Daily Chakra Meditation

Meditation with Sian -30 mins

Here we have included a 30minute Chakra Balancing Meditation lead by Sian which you can use over the course of the next 14 days - as many times as you like. It is one of our faves here at TLC!


Today’s practice will connect you to your fire centre, inner strength and resilience. A spicy practice to connect you to the fire that burns within you. We work with strong energetic and physical practices to burn away any stagnation and blocks in the body so we can heal and find balance from the inside out.

Take the time to journal and reflect on your experience as part of the practice. Manipura means ‘place of lustrous gems' this yang centre connects us to our own inner radiance and power. Today we invite you to take action! Connect to your inner fire, that drive which pushes you forward.


What you’ll need


Journaling Opportunities

We encourage you through this week to become receptive and open to your own personal experience. Feel into the felt experience of each chakra and allow space for what comes up in the body and the mind. These journalling prompts are here to help you gain clarity and connect in intuitively.

  1. Where do I struggle to enforce my boundaries? What makes me say okay when it’s not?

  2. Finish this sentence: "I feel most powerful when…’

  3. What am I committed to creating in my life?

We'll be working with

Yogi Burpee
Ego Conqueror
Prana Shakti 1


Other Navel Chakra Practices

Over the course of your day, we invite you to take the time to also weave another practice into your day if you have the time. This will again strengthen your embodiment of each chakra and create further harmony and cleansing.