Kundalini Shake

Shake with Sian
25 min · release - energise - cleanse

*You can find more information on Osho’s Kundalini Meditation here and download their music via Apple itunes for about $20AUD.


This practice is based on Osho’s Kundalini Meditation. It is structured in the same way with 4 stages, only it is 25 minutes long, as opposed to Osho’s meditation* which is 1 hour long and the music is not from Osho but rather is our choice.

Stage 1: Shaking - The first song marks the start of the shaking practice. From the feet up to the head, shake from the inside out. I didn’t mention this in the video but deep breaths and sounds are welcome!! Let it all out, be completely free. Shout if you need to. Free the body to allow the flow of energy to rise up. Keep your eyes closed throughout if you can.

Stage 2: Dancing - The start of the second song marks the moment for you to begin to dance. Free, joyous dancing movement. Again work with the breath, or make sounds if it feels right and liberates you in some way. Keep your eyes closed throughout if you can.

Stage 3: Stillness - The third song invites you to be completely still, either standing or seated. Observe the energy moving through your body. Keep your eyes closed throughout if you can.

Stage 4: Absorbing -The final songs are white noise, a silence. Lying down in Sivasana allow the entire experience to be absorbed into every level of your being. When you hear the final sound of the gong it is time for you to slowly come back to presence.


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