Heart Chi

Yin with Sian
30 min · sleep - joy - taoist


Yin Yoga draws upon the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, so the language around this style of yoga often works with Qi (chi), meridian lines (energy lines) and organs. In this series of practices we focus on the organs and their related energy lines and use the practice to create balance and healing through massage, healing sounds and postures.

The heart organ is the centre of our being from which our spirit radiates. Our emotions and our thoughts are connected, so when our hearts and emotions are out of balance it can affect our thoughts, our short term memory, can create insomnia or disturb or sleep. When the heart is balanced there is a gentle radiant joy to our spirit.


What you’ll need

Yoga mat
Comfy clothes
Block, bolster, cushions, blankets

We'll be working with

Neck stretches
Yin yoga postures that open the heart- anatasana, fish pose, twisting
Meridian line massage
Taoist healing sounds meditation


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