Vishudda Chakra

The Throat Chakra

The fifth Chakra is Vishuddha, the throat centre. This chakra relates to all communication, how we listen and how we express ourselves. Our word becomes our truth and how we manifest our ideas into the world. When Vishuddha is embodied, we are able to tap into the vibrational force of the universe, our experience of Vishuddha connects us to our own overall energetic state.

All cycles in the body and the universe are manifestations of Vishuddha, the communication between cells, planets and individuals. The element of space relates to this energy centre as the throat connect us to both the physical and more subtle realms.


How this program works

We recommend that every day you commit to:

  • The daily practice for each chakra

  • Complete the suggested practices

  • Daily chakra meditation

  • Take your time to complete the journaling prompts

Each chakra opens it’s own state of consciousness. It’s not just about yoga, it’s an experience and can be embodied in all aspects of life. Try some of the suggested other practices you can do to cleanse this chakra.

Additional Practices & Activities you can try for this Chakra

  • Sing loudly to your favourite tunes! Video yourself belting out your fave song and send it to your bestie. (Nat and Sian are very guilty of this!)

  • Cook a beautiful soup or make a tea which is good for the throat with honey, ginger.

  • Practice listening deeply with your whole body.

  • Write a poem and send it in a voice message.

Vishuddha Chakra

Practice with Sian - 30 mins


Daily Chakra Meditation

Meditation with Sian -30 mins

Here we have included a 30minute Chakra Balancing Meditation lead by Sian which you can use over the course of the next 14 days - as many times as you like. It is one of our faves here at TLC!


When we connect to the throat centre we begin clear energetically what holds us back from speaking our truth fully. Through practices that realign us to our subtle body we learn to become more sensitive to the vibration and rhythm of our lives. Our personal self expression strengthens as we learn to live by the beat of our own drum, our hearts desires.

Take the time to journal your experience of this practice. Take today as an opportunity to speak your truth, listen with intent and becoming inquisitive to the mystery that is life.


What you’ll need


Journaling Opportunities

We encourage you through this week to become receptive and open to your own personal experience. Feel into the felt experience of each chakra and allow space for what comes up in the body and the mind. These journalling prompts are here to help you gain clarity and connect in intuitively.

  1. Describe your vibration

  2. Have you every had clairaudience and can you fine tune it?

  3. If I let myself speak up more, what would I say?

  4. How do I connect to Vishuddha?

We'll be working with

Rolling Aums
Hat Kriya Seated
Vinyasa Flow
Shoulder Stand
Brahmari Pranayama


Other Throat Chakra Practices

Over the course of your day, we invite you to take the time to also weave another practice into your day if you have the time. This will again strengthen your embodiment of each chakra and create further harmony and cleansing.