Day 1 - The Divine Feminine

Durga and Shakti

Shakti is the word used to describe the feminine principle energy in the universe. Shakti, the Divine Feminine, is the part of your practice and your life that you can FEEL. It's the Energy, the Fire, the Power. It is the creative force behind all things.

This Feminine energy is not only all around us, but within us. We can feel out of balance when we are too much in our masculine (Shiva) energy, so practices to cultivate feminine energy are very useful to us. A path to dropping into a more feminine state of being is through invoking Goddess Energy.


How this program works

We recommend that you move through this work over 5 days, but you can space it out if you need.

  • Begin by watching the Satsang Mantra and Meditation

  • Do the 30 minute Daily Practice!

  • Take 5-10 minutes to journal, find the journalling prompts under the Daily Practice.

  • If you have more time you can do additional practices to help cultivate Shakti.

Additional Practices and Activities

We suggest reading the full journal posts on Shakti and Durga Maa today to deepen your understanding of the Divine Feminine energy we are working to cultivate over the next 5 days!

Satsang, Mantra & Meditation

Recorded live practice - 30 mins

In this Satsang, Sian discusses the ideas and philosophy around Durga, the divine feminine and shakti.


In this Study Program we step into Durga Maa, the Mother Goddess. Another name for Durga is Durgatinashini which means ‘the one who eliminates suffering’. According to legend, Durga was created for the slaying of the buffalo demon Mahisasura by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other gods who could not overpower him themselves. Embodying their collective energy, she is both derivative from the male divinities and the true source of their inner power. She is also greater than any of them. Born fully grown and beautiful, Durga presents a fierce menacing form to her enemies. She is usually depicted riding a lion and with 8 or 10 arms, each holding the special weapon of one of the gods, who gave them to her for her battle against the buffalo demon.


What you’ll need

Cushion or bolster to sit

We'll be working with



Daily Practice

Mantra and Meditation - 30 mins


Connect to the vibration of Durga Maa through this Mantra and Meditation practice. We will be working with this practice daily to start to embody the energy of Durga.


Journalling is an important part of the work we do. Take some time when you have completed the practices and reflect:

  • Do you feel balance between your masculine and feminine energies?

  • How do you feel about dropping into a feminine state of being?

  • Is it something that happens easily for you or is it challenging/uncomfortable?


What you’ll need

Something to sit on
Journal and a pen

We'll be working with

Mantra & Meditation

Go Deeper…

Have a little extra time and looking to drop deeper into the energy of Shakti? Try these practices.