Honour Your Cycle

Supporting the feminine rhythm through practice.

As women our bodies and minds are constantly changing as we move through the different phases of our cycle. Our hormones eb and flow over the course of a month and with this comes natural and normal shifts in mood and energy. We can learn to work with this rhythm and begin to practice in a way that is supportive of our cyclical nature, so that we can become vibrant and thriving beings no matter what phase we are in.

** more practices to be added in the coming weeks and months!

Follicular Phase


The Follicular Phase follows your menstrual period and lasts around 7-10 days. During this time your hormones are at low levels and starting to rebuild in the body. You can think of this as the time of creative beginnings. Much like the new moon, follicular a great time to focus on manifesting, creation, planning and intention setting.

Supporting your cycle through practice:

  • During this phase you might find yourself open to new ideas and practice, so give a practice you haven’t tried before a go!

  • As you find your creative flow and more strength and stamina during this time, mix up your routine and focus on energising practices that support the building of those feel good hormones we all love!

  • You might like to get clear on your intention for the month, something you can work with in your Sadhana.

Try these practices:

Femininity FlowFlow with Sian- 25 min Awaken the divine feminine within through this beautiful Soulful Flow. This complete practice includes kundalini kriya and pranayama to drop us into the space of flow and Swadhisthana.

Femininity Flow

Flow with Sian - 25 min

Awaken the divine feminine within through this beautiful Soulful Flow. This complete practice includes kundalini kriya and pranayama to drop us into the space of flow and Swadhisthana.

Expand Upper ChakrasBreathe with Casey - 25 minConnect deeply to your breath and create expansion through this Deep Breathe practice. We will work to build our own inner fire, allowing us to transcend and move into expansion through the breath

Expand Upper Chakras

Breathe with Casey - 25 min

Connect deeply to your breath and create expansion through this Deep Breathe practice. We will work to build our own inner fire, allowing us to transcend and move into expansion through the breath

Manifestation MeditationMeditate with Sophie - 20 min Prepare your nervous system through gentle breathwork before moving into deep meditation. This practice will guide you towards unlocking your deepest desires and uncover ways in which to consciou…

Manifestation Meditation

Meditate with Sophie - 20 min

Prepare your nervous system through gentle breathwork before moving into deep meditation. This practice will guide you towards unlocking your deepest desires and uncover ways in which to consciously create in your life.


Ovulation Phase


The Ovulation Phase takes place around the mid point in your cycle and usually lasts around 3-5 days. Here you will find that your hormones begin to reach their peak in supporting you to feel confident, energetic and sexy! This is a perfect time to work into some of the more intense practices, spending time focusing on self pleasure or lovemaking and jumping into the important conversations while your confidence is high.

Supporting your cycle through practice:

  • Your energy reaches it’s peak in this phase so take hold of the high vibes with strong vinyasa, pranayama and kriya practices.

  • While you are feeling super sexy and feminine, try out a Shake and Release or get dancing to your favourite tunes!

  • If you are working with an intention, see how you can start to really bring it to life in your practice

Dive into these practices:

Ashtanga Series 1Flow with Sian - 35 minThis practice is derived from the Traditional Ashtanga Primary Series by Pattabhi Jois. Designed to deeply open the body and develop the breath as we work with Mantra, Asana and Pranayama. This dynamic practice will leave you feeling energised and alive in your body.

Ashtanga Series 1

Flow with Sian - 35 min

This practice is derived from the Traditional Ashtanga Primary Series by Pattabhi Jois. Designed to deeply open the body and develop the breath as we work with Mantra, Asana and Pranayama. This dynamic practice will leave you feeling energised and alive in your body.

Power WithinKriya with Sian - 40 minThis practice has the potential to challenge you, to go deep into the biocellular memory and create some powerful shifts in the body and mind. Going deep into the kriya can create incredibly transcendant experiences.

Power Within

Kriya with Sian - 40 min

This practice has the potential to challenge you, to go deep into the biocellular memory and create some powerful shifts in the body and mind. Going deep into the kriya can create incredibly transcendant experiences.

Sensual SacralYin with Sian - 45 minThis soulful yin practice focuses on opening the hips and the awakening the energy around the sacral chakra, Swadhisthana. Allow this practice to unlock a feeling of creativity, flow and sensuality.

Sensual Sacral

Yin with Sian - 45 min

This soulful yin practice focuses on opening the hips and the awakening the energy around the sacral chakra, Swadhisthana. Allow this practice to unlock a feeling of creativity, flow and sensuality.


Luteal Phase


After ovulation we move into the Luteal Phase for the next 10-14 days. Once hormones have reached their peak they slowly start to taper off again until they find their low point right before menstruation. At the end of this phase many women begin to experience PMS symptoms and energy levels tend to drop. As our bodies start to slow down and prepare to bleed this is a great time for us to also start to slow down. It’s also a great time to complete any outstanding tasks and see how we can bring our creative intentions to fruition.

Supporting your cycle through practice:

  • The first half of this phase you may still feel quite energetic and full of life-force. You can continue to practice in ways which help to build strength and resilience in the body and mind.

  • If you find moodiness or anger arising, self regulate with releasing practices.

  • As you move into the second half of this stage and you have lower energy levels support yourself with gentler practices.

  • This is a time when your intuitive powers are building, use this to guide your practice, notice your dreams and listen to your body.

Slow things down & release with these practices:

Toxic Relationship ReleaseShake with Sian - 15 minThis Shake and Release practice has been created to allow you to release from toxic relationships in your life, to let go and find acceptance before moving into the softness of the heart space.

Toxic Relationship Release

Shake with Sian - 15 min

This Shake and Release practice has been created to allow you to release from toxic relationships in your life, to let go and find acceptance before moving into the softness of the heart space.

Morning YinYin Yoga with Sian - 35 minA morning yin and slow flow style practice that invites you to drop into a feminine state of being, moving softly and slowly. Allowing you to fill your own cup up and move through the rest of your day with a sense of ease.

Morning Yin

Yin Yoga with Sian - 35 min

A morning yin and slow flow style practice that invites you to drop into a feminine state of being, moving softly and slowly. Allowing you to fill your own cup up and move through the rest of your day with a sense of ease.

Release AngerKriya with Sian - 20 minThis practice is designed to release anger stored in the body through powerful kriya, before softening and finding a sense of inner calm. Be intuitive with this practice and honor where your body is at.

Release Anger

Kriya with Sian - 20 min

This practice is designed to release anger stored in the body through powerful kriya, before softening and finding a sense of inner calm. Be intuitive with this practice and honor where your body is at.


Menstrual Phase


The menstrual phase is the time in which we bleed and our hormones reach their lowest levels in the body. Low concentrations of hormones can leave us feeling tired and increase our need for rest. Although we may feel tired during this phase, this is actually a period where our initution is heightened and we are able to think with clarity. Take this time to reflect on your cycle, your intentions and listen in to what the feminine wisdom of your body is telling you.

Supporting your cycle through practice:

  • Be gentle with yourself, if your body is craving rest listen in and honour her!

  • Soothing yin and meditation can be very supportive during this phase, as you can still softly move energy around the body, but continue to calm the nervous system.

  • There is a strong movement of releasing, detoxing energy in this time. Allow gentle movement and practice to release anything stored physically or emotionally.

Go gentle and enjoy these classes:

Womb HealingYin with Sian - 40 minThis beautiful and gentle practice has been created to support you during your period and also give some love to the womb space at any time you feel you need. This practice includes gentle stretching and pranayama, focused on relieving pain and tension around the womb.

Womb Healing

Yin with Sian - 40 min

This beautiful and gentle practice has been created to support you during your period and also give some love to the womb space at any time you feel you need. This practice includes gentle stretching and pranayama, focused on relieving pain and tension around the womb.

Deep Relaxation & Healing Meditate with Sian - 20 minThrough deep relaxation, this practice will encourage healing within your body and perhaps even sleep. It includes a body scan and progressive muscle relaxation, so make sure you can rest some…

Deep Relaxation & Healing

Meditate with Sian - 20 min

Through deep relaxation, this practice will encourage healing within your body and perhaps even sleep. It includes a body scan and progressive muscle relaxation, so make sure you can rest somewhere quiet, comfortable and warm.

Laying Morning PracticeYin with Sian - 35 minThis deeply nurturing practice can be done at any time of day when you feel low on energy or first thing in the morning. You can even do it lying in bed! Gently open the body and connect with the breath, …

Laying Morning Practice

Yin with Sian - 35 min

This deeply nurturing practice can be done at any time of day when you feel low on energy or first thing in the morning. You can even do it lying in bed! Gently open the body and connect with the breath, taking time and starting the day slowly and softly.


Ready to explore the divine feminine deeper?

Unlock the wisdom of Shakti and your own body through our courses and trainings…


The Sacred Woman

Our online course connecting you to tantric feminine practices. Awaken the power of the Divine Feminine, held within your own physical body through movement, breath, meditation and the acient Tantric and Taoist teachings. This course will support you in cultivating vast amounts of pleasure, deep states of intimacy and recognition of the transcendent and divine within.


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TLC 300hr YTT

Deepen your practice and expand your teaching with our 300hr YTT. This training for women is focused on connecting women to their own natural rhythms and cycles and the sacred tantric teachings.

Register your interest today to be the first to receive access to our first intake.

Coming in 2022

The TLC Method 150hr YTT

Our 150hr YTT online yoga teacher training has been designed to expand your personal spiritual journey and inspire your teachings and practices. This 1 year training calls for you to commit deeply to your deep spiritual self.

Apply for our next intake today!

$3,800 AUD