Process & Clear Emotions

Meditate with Sian
15 min · grief - anger - jealousy - release


 It’s easy to be present when things are joyful, but what happens when we feel sad, lonely, bored, angry or upset? Difficult emotions can overwhelm us, they can cloud our thoughts and be the most difficult thing to be present to in our lives. In this short meditation Sian discusses the Tantric practice of allowing ourselves to sit and feel our feelings as a way to process them. Once you get the hang of how to do this you can take just a few minutes each day to move through the more difficult states and allow yourself to process feelings at your own pace.

Sian recommends:

  • Coming to this meditation when you feel ready to do so, don’t rush the process.

  • That you can cut short or extend the practice to suit you.

  • You might prefer to skip her teaching and go straight to the meditation practice.

  • When there is a particularly strong medtation, do this practice with some regularity and notice it shift.


What you’ll need

Something to sit on

We’ll be working with

Talk and meditation 


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