Muladhara Chakra

The Root Chakra

Welcome to day one!

The first chakra Muladhara is located at the bottom of the spine. Often known as the root chakra, this first energy centre relates to our sense of wholeness. When we are connected to the body and grounded we are balanced in Muladhara. When we drop into Muladhara we are able to awaken this grounded energy of complete presence in the body, allowing us to move away from states of fear and anxiety.


How this program works

We recommend that every day you commit to:

  • The daily practice for each chakra

  • complete the suggested practices

  • Daily chakra meditation

  • Take your time to complete the journal prompts

Each chakra opens it’s own state of consciousness. It’s not just about yoga, it’s an experience and can be embodied in all aspects of life. Try some of the suggested other practices you can do to cleanse this chakra.

Additional Practices & Activities you can try

Earthing: get outdoors, take off your shoes and plant the soles of your feet on the earth. Maybe you have a beach close by and have the luxury of feeling the sand between your toes, a park with some fresh muddy earth or even just the grass of your backyard or local reserve!

Massage: enjoy giving yourself a loving massage with some essential oils and showing gratitude for your body.

Eating: this is a fun one! Create yourself a delicious and nourishing meal, take your time to chew slowly and focus fully on the simple experience of eating a yummy meal.

Muladhara Practice

Flow with Casey - 30 mins


Daily Chakra Meditation

Meditation with Sian -30 mins

Here we have included a 30minute Chakra Balancing Meditation lead by Sian which you can use over the course of the next 14 days - as many times as you like. It is one of our faves here at TLC!


Ground into your foundations with this slow and steady practice that will connect you to apana and Muladhara, leaving you grounded and anchored in your body.

Take the time after practice to journal and reflect on your experience. Muladhara is related to the element of the earth and the colour red, this primordial aspect of the self. Today you are invited to embody the experience of Muladhara by coming back home into your physical body and connecting to the physical earth.


What you’ll need


Journaling Opportunities

We encourage you through this week to become receptive and open to your own personal experience. Feel into the felt experience of each chakra and allow space for what comes up in the body and the mind. These journalling prompts are here to help you gain clarity and connect in intuitively.

  1. Do you feel grounded through daily life? What can do you to create more grounding and presence each day?

  2. Are you at home in your body? How can you begin to show more gratitude and kindness to your body and all it does for you?

  3. Am I in touch with the world around me? How can I create a sense of wholeness between myself and all that exists around me?

We'll be working with

Grounding postures
Ujjayi breath
Woodchopper pranayama
Counted breath
Warrior 1 breath


Other Root Chakra Practices

Over the course of your day, we invite you to take the time to also weave another practice into your day if you have the time. This will again strengthen your embodiment of each chakra and create further harmony and cleansing.