The Method Taster Practice

Practice with Sian
55 min kundalini - tantra - pranayama

The Light Collective Method 150hr YTT
(Premium Course Taster)


In this practice Sian teaches a series of kriya designed to awaken the entire energy body and each of the energetic centres from root to crown. This is the kind of daily practice we teach our students to teach and practice in the Light Collective Method. Beginning seated, moving to standing and then returning to seated again, you can expect a full activation from the physical to the most subtle aspects of your being.


What you’ll need

Yoga Mat
Blocks or something to sit on

We'll be working with

Muladhara Awakening
Maha Maya Kriya
Simha Kriya
Standing Hat Kriya
Muldhara to Anahata Kriya
Alak Naranjan Kriya
Ajna Awakening Kriya


The Light Collective Method

Expand Your Practice With This 150hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). Weekly Mentoring. Flexible Payments. Yoga Alliance Accreditation. 3 Levels. Apply Today.

Over the course of the year you will be guided each step of the way towards understanding and embodying The Light Collective Method.
You will learn how to weave mantra, kriya, meditation and pranayama, into soulful experiences for your clients and yourself. You will experience sacred initiation into ancient practices. We don’t mind if you need to take your time, it’s all online and you will have access to these teachings forever! For those who want to dive in deep and commit, we recommend you come with us and make it a year long journey.

Mantra, Pranayama & Meditation

We dive in deep- beginning by unlocking and demystifying the sacred practices of mantra, pranayama and meditation. We learn to embody the teachings, so that we can authentically and confidently teach them. At the end of this month you will get your first spritual sadhana as a daily practice.

Recommended schedule: 1st month
Total time: 30 hours

Connecting to the Subtle Energetic Body

Expanding on Level 1, we immerse ourselves in the energy body and the ancient Tantric chakras system. These practices and lectures build upon level 1 and allow us to weave the energetic teachings into our classes to give deeper and more meaningful experiences to our students.

Recommended schedule: 2nd month
Total time: 20 hours

Advanced Kriya & Tantra Initiations

Each month you will be initiated into a new Sadhana which includes Pranayama, Mantra, Himalayan Kundalini Kriya, Tantric practices and Guru Mantra Meditation. This initiation forms your committed daily practice, your Sadhana, taking you on an inner journey of a lifetime.

Recommended schedule: 10 months (month 3 to 12)
Total Time: 50 hours , (2-5 hours per month) plus daily personal practice of 1 hr.


With Sian & TLC Teaching Team

Optional weekly yoga mentoring calls. You can participate live, or watch the call in your own time.
This is an opportunity to ask questions and get support from your community and mentor.

Thursdays 6:30pm Melbourne AEST/AEDT

All calls are recorded.

Schedule: Weekly mentoring calls + small group initiations
Total time: 50 hours added accreditation - 1 hr weekly calls with holiday breaks!


Book A Call With Sian

** All TLC Members receive and exclusive 5% discount on this training

Book a free one on one call with Founder and Lead Teacher Sian to discuss any specific questions you have about The Method and whether the TLC Method is right for you.


Hear from previous students


“Yoga teachers are very rare. Being in the presence of a true teacher and mentor, whose purpose is to share the knowledge they have been given, and they do it in a way that students have space to experience those teachings with discernment, is a blessing. Sian is a true teacher whose grace and humility is enough to make anyone realise that she is living her teachings. Her presence, the way she holds a space and expresses herself, her sense of humour are not something that can be explained on paper... you need to experience for yourself. If you are serious about following the path of yoga and diving deeper into the magic of tantra, any of Sian’s trainings will make your light shine brighter and hopefully make you want to also share with others. Pass on the love....”

— Sarah

“It was incredible and exceeded all my expectations. The online experience was really powerful and the timeframe was perfect. For sure the best money I’ve spent in ages. ”

— RD

“For me, it felt like I had come home to the teachings again, having completed my first yoga teacher training in India 6 years ago. The combination of mantra, pranayama and meditation was potent and powerful and Sian led the training with fierce grace.
Thank you Sian for offering these traditional teachings and delivering them with such clarity, love and devotion. Forever grateful.”

— Claire

“‘I realised my priorities have shifted in a beautiful way. Lightness, love, firm boundaries, and abundance, being my own best friend and trusting my intuition to create the life I want to create... these are the things that have taken the front seat. I know there will be hardships and struggle, but there is a trust that has taken over everything I do that says “You’ve got this, and I’ve got you”, while allowing myself the entire spectrum of feeling along the way.”

— Georgia

“I can’t even describe some of the experiences that have occurred - just mind-blowing.
It has been life changing in so many respects. For my life, my intuition, my heart & soul, my teaching & for my path.”

— Alize



Work at your own pace or join us for weekly live mentoring calls.

❖ December 2023 Course Content Opens 

❖ Jan - Dec 2024 weekly mentoring calls 

❖ Mentoring Calls: Thursdays 6:30pm AEST/AEDT 


  • One Time Payment of $3800 AUD (GST incl) - $3300 AUD (GST incl)

  • or 3 Payments of $1300 AUD monthly - total $3900 AUD (GST incl) - 3 Payments of $1200 AUD — total $3600 AUD (GST inclu)

That’s under $30 per hour for a fully accredited year long teacher training!

*early bird ends 30th September


Pay in full $3800 AUD (GST incl)
$3,300 AUD


3 monthly payments of $1300 AUD - total $3900 AUD (GST incl)
3 x $1200 AUD - total $3600 AUD (GST incl)

 Your Teacher

Sian Pascale

Lead Teacher & E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher

Sian Pascale is a Yoga, Pranayama, Kundalini Kriya & Meditation Teacher. Sian teaches yoga in a way that is energetic, alchemical, intuitive and highly feminine. Her teachings draw from India where she lived and trained for several years, learning through the Hatha, Ashtanga, Himalayan Kundalini and Tantric lineages. For over 20 years Sian has been dedicated to the yogic path as a student and teacher. This deep integration has allowed her to merge ancient teachings into a modern language that everyone can access.


For full details please visit our trainings page